* Revecen is a prominent brand of make-up product specialized for professional artist,
which has natural color tone, best application feeling like a part of skin, and outstanding stability of its product.
The name of ‘ Revecen’ is compounded from ‘le reve de cendrillon’ which means a dream of Cinderella.
Revecen always uses best quality of ingredients. Based upon its superior stability, Revecen makes customers enchanted with more natural and beautiful world.
Revecen has been specially made for professionals, therefore its quality, color tone and stability remarkably outstanding.
- REVECEN 为法语中“灰姑娘之梦(le reve de cendrillon)”的合成词。源于自然色彩、亲肌肤、安全性能高的专业彩妆品牌。
- REVECEN 系列彩妆产品 ,萃取天然植物中的精粹并结合高科研技术,使用高品质原料,安全、时尚,令您“艳光四射”。
- REVECEN 系列彩妆产品,针对职业化妆师设计,品质高、多彩缤纷,受到广大消费者青睐
Fresh Weight Make Up Base- New Material, Filatov, extracted from corn embryo is capable of carrying oxygen to help metabolism which keeps skin comfortable and moisturized.
- A non-oxygen corpuscle protects skin from ultra-violet light.
- Maintain good condition.
- Contents: 35ml.
- 从玉米胚芽中萃取的FLATOV成分具有超然的运氧功效,有效抵御紫外 线及外界污染, 滋养润泽肌肤
- 蕴含保湿因子、防晒因子、维他命E、维他命C等美容成分,让肌肤更光彩、更健康
- 容量:35ml
Dual Compact
- Apply after face control foundation or powder foundation. It enables face contour correction with high-light and shading effect.
- Easy and light touch on skin. Eminent color expression by its better application to skin.
- Contents : 9.5gr*2
- 用来修正肤色,创造粉嫩妆效,使面部轮廓更柔和生动 在粉底或散粉之后使用效果更加
- 粉质细腻、柔滑,轻透服帖,持久保持色泽的真实感
- 容量:9.5g*2
Balance Natural Finish Foundation- Contains ocean minerals
- Oil free type which is strong against sweat and sebum. Containing ceramide which has same organization of human skin, it enables skin to keep moistures all the time.
- Some abstracts have effectiveness of anti-acne and control sebum.
- Present human color tone to rearrange the skin naturally.
- Contents 35ml.
- 蕴含丰富的海洋性矿物质
- 长效平衡抑油配方,防汗,蕴含深层滋养成分,令肌肤长久滋润
- 富含车前草萃取物及甘草萃取物,调节皮脂,滋润美白
- 轻薄透气,服帖、遮盖效果强,令妆容柔润、自然生动
- 容量:35ml
Neo Velvet Two Way Cake
- Mushroom extracts prevents pigmentation and helps skin retain moistures, with restraints of liver spots , freckles and small wrinkles.
- Ivy abstracts controls sebum. Contracts the skin pores and enhances the flexibility of skin.
- Maximize the sense of clearness and long-lasting by enhancing affinity to the skin.
- Contents: 14 gr.
- 含有松蕈萃取物,可抑制色素形成,预防黑斑、皱纹生成,又具滋润功能
- 细腻而高透明度的粉粒子,吸收多余油脂,增加肌肤弹性、延缓肌肤衰老
- 轻透、服帖、柔和,让粉妆长时间都经得起考验
- 容量:14g
Natural Shine Blusher
- Capable of intended color presentation, and remains freshness for a long time with excellent lasting.
- Pearl Blusher expresses your skin vividly and splendidly with pearl.
- Proud of water-proofed, distinguished softness and adaptability
- 极其轻薄润滑,自然服帖、易于上妆,令妆面保持时间更久
- 隐含珠光配方, 赋予双颊自然光泽与柔美色彩
- 吸湿、吸油、细致无瑕、令肌肤更加亮丽、光彩
Neo Velvet Pressed Powder
- Formulated with elaborated micro-powdering, it holds sebum to reduce oiliness and shine on the face.
- With advantages of two-way cake and pressed powder, it protects skin from the pollution, can be spread over very thinly with unrivaled softness, and presents ultimate clearness of skin.
- Contents: 14gr.
- 粉质细腻、柔滑,吸收脸部多余油脂,轻盈的覆盖在肌肤表面
- 聚两用粉饼与定妆粉的优点,遮盖力强,为你打造艳光四射的肌肤
- 容量:14g
Lip Liner Pencil /Eyebrow Pencil- Using natural botanic wax, you can draw a line on lip & eyes very smoothly and naturally without clumping
- Comparing to Auto-type, wood-type is easy to use and lasts longer
- Contents : 4mm, 170mm
- 采用天然植物性蜡质,笔触柔滑细腻,易上色、伸展性极佳
- 以木质为主,使用便利,持久耐用
- 规格:4mm*170mm
Blusher/Eye Shadow
- Composed of micro pigments, it presents outstanding adaptability and natural color expression
- Used as both shadow and blusher
- Water proof type against water or sweat
- Easy to carry many different colors in one pallet
- Contents/composition ;1.7gr/(3, 5, 28holes)Contents/composition; 3.1gr/(1, 3, 6,10,15holes)
- 超微粒粉末,触感柔软,服帖地与肌肤融合在一起,持久不脱妆
- 防汗防水抑油,清爽不油腻, 色彩鲜艳,长时间保持完美色调
- 多组彩盒,任您搭配钟爱的色调
- 规格:1.7g (3色、5色、28色 组合) / 3.1g(1色、3色、6色、10色、15色 组合)
- Set is made up of highest quality brushes for professional make-up artists
- Each brush shows best sense of use whenever applied individually
- 供专业化妆师使用的高品质化妆刷组合,天然材质制成的化妆刷,使用感觉更加轻柔,上妆效果更加细腻
- 大大小小的化妆刷可以满足"涂腮红"、"定妆"、"打眼影"等多种要求,可谓一物多能。
Volumizing Mascara
- Using natural botanic wax with highly qualified film former, it ensures beautiful and voluminous eyelash
- Less smudging, faster dry-up, and easier removing by washing thanks to vitamins and alatoin in product
- Color : black
- Contents: 7ml.
- 蕴含植物性蜡质及小麦蛋白,能使睫毛立即纤长卷翘,创造诱人的双眸
- 维他命原及聚合物,干燥速度快,避免睫毛粘在一起,卸妆容易
- 颜色:黑色
- 容量:7ml
Defining Eye Liner
- Elaborates your eyes prominently and smoothly with various superb ingredients
- Fast dry-up film type, removed clearly while washing
- Color : Black
- Contents : 5ml
- 含有多种维他命、小麦蛋白,色彩鲜明、展现绚丽眼眸
- 防水、防汗,干燥速度快,卸妆容易
- 颜色: 黑色
- 颜色: 黑色